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KEL Event on Protection for Expats through Insurance

Dubai, Feb 24: Kanara Entrepreneurs Ltd (KEL), Dubai conducted another successful workshop on “Protection for Expats through Insurance,” at the India Club on Wednesday, February 23. Over 75 KEL members and guests attended the event which started with a welcome address by the President of KEL Dubai, Mrs. Shobha Mendonca.  Mrs. Mendonca introduced the key note speaker Ms. Sonja Pattenden – Executive Manager of William Russell, the leading specialist health and life Insurance provider in Dubai.

Ms. Pattenden in her presentation explained in simple terms the need for protecting oneself against the financial liabilities such as personal loans, outstanding credit card bills, house mortgages, emergency medical bills and other family commitments.  By providing tables of average costs of medical expenses in different parts of the world against the average cost of insurance protection, she skillfully showed the benefits of passing on these risks to insurers rather than shouldering the burden and passing it on their loved ones in the event of death. She gave simple step by step methods of evaluating the need for protection and emphasized that one should consult professional advisors to get themselves protected. In her presentation, she highlighted Mahatma Gandhi’s Quote “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”. The presentation was followed by a very interactive Q&A session during which the audience got an opportunity to get their doubts cleared on life and health insurance.  

Immediate past President of KEL, Mr. Albert Rodrigues as part of the house keeping mentioned that KEL has been providing quality events and thereby gaining popularity, which is reflected in the growth of its membership. He said that during the last session alone there were 44 new members enrolled and it is good to note that members see value in such events as well as the networking opportunities provided by KEL. He said that it is critical for members to utilize every opportunity provided for networking under KEL as well as their strategic partners TIE Dubai who conduct several events with similar objectives.   He also informed the audience on the recently launched Entrepreneurial Cell at AIMIT (St. Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology) in Mangalore and the recently launched KEL Fund to finance angel investments in startups. He encouraged members to participate in the activities of KEL and also keep giving their valuable suggestions on their needs and ideas for fostering a better network of entrepreneurs and professionals.

Mr. Julian Lewis, Director of Membership proposed the vote of thanks.  He thanked the speaker, the sponsors, India club and the audience.  Mr. Alfred Vaz, Director of Events coordinated and anchored the event. This event was sponsored by Millennium Insurance Brokers LLC, Dubai.