KE Members Meet held with focus on Women Entrepreneurs

The Members Meet of the Bangalore Chapter of Kanara Entrepreneurs was held on 22nd April 2022 at Hotel Grand Magrath. In a first of its kind, the Women Members of Kanara Entrepreneurs made the evening special since the entire event was Ideated, Organized and Managed by the Women Members of KE.
The event started at 7:15pm with the KE prayer recited by Leena Lobo – Director Mentoring.
President of KE, Clarence Pereira welcomed the Members to this wonderful event managed by the Women Entrepreneurs. Clarence shared the significance of role of women in the entrepreneurial eco system. “The Women of today are enterprising and well informed about various business models, and they bring great networking capabilities, diverse experiences, enable work life balance” Clarence said. They have realized they are not alone, and are found to be on par to their male counterparts, and above all respected for their contributions to the family, work and society, he added. Clarence encouraged more Women Members to join KE Lead Member Group, and he would be happy to see a woman taking up the President’s role at KE, in the near future.
Director Membership, Pramod D’Souza added 24 new Members to the KE fold this month, thus taking up the membership count to 360. The icing on the cake was that, out of the 24 newly inducted Members, 20 were women, thus taking the strength to 71 women Members at KE Bangalore, and thereby making it stronger & diverse in terms of Gender & Age. Pramod was applauded by the Board and Members present, for his untiring and continuous efforts in enrolling new Members for KE.
Andriyana Pinto
Anitha Gomes
Arjun John D’Souza
Coreen D’Souza Fareed
Dr. Ashwini Priyanka V
Dr. Charmaine Kenita
Dr. Shireen Furtado, Dermatologist
Iona Maryanne Pais
Janice Pearl D’Souza
Jayani Bennheim
Jeffry Rebello
Joanita Britto
Loveena Renita Monteiro
Luvena Rangel
Nikita Pais
Precilla D’Souza
Ranjeeta Greta Chatterjee
Rochelle Lobo DGama
Shiny Rebello
Shona Prabhu
Taral E.L.Rodrigues
Uma R Maheswari
Victor Raj P
Vrinda Lewis
Business Name
Gorgeous Times Beauty Salon
Lint Pharmaceuticals LLP
Alto Marketing Pvt Limited
Goodwill Leathers & Brand “Gloud”
St. Johns Medical College
Out ‘O’ Box Content
Ectoderm Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Prudential Freight Forwarders LLP
Elemental Life Solutions LLP
Lovedale Foundation
Agalatti Estate
FountainIQ Solutions Pvt.Ltd
Arnold Consulting Pvt Ltd
The Curvy Yogi
Painted Aura
Precilla’s Kitchen
Gretas’ Essentials
Home Chef
Marsh McLennan
We-Mana Nutrition OPC Pvt.Ltd
ELIM Furnishings
Klauz Specialities
Laveena D’Souza and Luvena Rangel were the gorgeous and energetic Emcees who took the Members through the program, chalked out for the evening. They conducted the Icebreaker session called “Simple Steps”. The engaging session helped Members to connect and introduce themselves to other Members.
Sabitha Lasrado and Rachna Rego conducted the table networking session and innovative games.
The first session was all about networking with each other at the table, and the male Members helping our women Members find business leads – our way of encouraging women entrepreneurs.
A fun and creative game – “tagging the women on your table” 😊. The Men at the table had to wear their thinking and creative hats, to give a tagline to the Business of the women at their table.
The Winning and Runners up teams were called to the stage and felicitated.
Women Members presented their businesses through display of stalls
- Charmaine Saldanha – Charm’s
- Janice DSouza – Worldscape Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd
- Ranjitha Greta Chatterjee – Greta’s essentials
- Maria Pramila Dsouza – Wealthy Wayz Research Private Limited
- Mini Mohan – Anora Charitable Foundation
KE has been a fantastic platform to every Member and that’s what make it unique. The ability to extend help and support the other Members makes it more exciting. Giving, is not only limited to referring business, but it also the time to mentor, support and enable other Members to be successful. The floor was buzzing with all our Members sharing gratitude cards to express a “THANK YOU”, to those fellow Members who have helped them in one way or other in the past. Peter Anil Rego was declared the winner as he received the maximum Thank you cards, and was felicitated by President of KE, Clarence Pereira.
Recognising achievers is an integral part of KE, and the KE Board has decided to showcase those Members who are achievers on a bi-monthly basis during the Members meetings. The achievers of this season are as follows.
Rachana Rego, Sabitha Lasrado, Laveena D’Souza and Reshma Saldanha who took time to invest in themselves and successfully completed the Executive Entrepreneurship Program from IIM – Bangalore.
GenNow & Lead Member Nivedith Alva, who was appointed by the All India Congress Committee as the General Secretary of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee.
Anil Rego (Lead Member) & Rachna Rego of Right Horizons Financial Services Pvt Ltd for being ranked as the # 3 Top Performer in FY 22 by PMS Bazaar.
Gracian Rodrigues who was elected as President of Dakshina Kannada Jilla Sanga ® a 28 year old extensive Association of over 15000 registered families, from diverse languages and communities in Mysore.
A Big Thank You to the Organising Team under the Leadership of Leena Lobo (Director Mentoring) consisting of Reshma Saldanha, Laveena D’Souza, Luvena Rangel, Sabitha Lasrado and Rachana Rego for organising such a focused, fun filed, energetic and memorable evening.
Philip Pais & Sunil D’Sa, thank you for all the arrangement to ensure a safe meeting space.
Laveena D’Souza and Luveena Rangel our Emcees made us walk, talk, meet, greet, and have fun. Thank you for the wonderful evening.
Vote of Thanks was delivered by Coreen D’Souza Fareed.
Our Kanara Entrepreneur Bangalore Chapter meet on April 22nd was another fantastic evening with 120 Members gathering at Hotel Grand Magrath.